Please see the below guide if you are having issues logging into your account or have a loyalty points query.
You must register for an account to be able to collect loyalty points. If you do not register for an account points will not be collected and we cannot adjust balances for previous orders where you have checked out as a guest.
I cannot sign in with my email address but I get emails from you normally.
If you cannot sign in because you have forgotten your password then reset it on our site by clicking login then 'Forgot password'. If you cannot sign in or it says you do not have an account to reset your password this means last time you purchased from us online you checked out as a guest.Please sign up with the very same email address you used last time as a guest.
I normally shop in your actual shops and want to get my loyalty points added to my normal loyalty account when shopping online.
If you have previously purchased in one of our high street stores and wish your online purchase loyalty points to be added to your current loyalty account please create an account. with the same email address you use for points in store. Your points will then automatically be added to your loyalty account.
Will my loyalty points be added to my account?
So long as you use the same email you purchased products with online last time, your points will automatically be added to your loyalty account.
Thanks for subscribing!
This email has been registered!